The Tree class

The C++ standard library hold a set of container classes for arrays, lists, vectors, sets, and maps. However, there is no class for a tree structure. Therefore, the Tree class has been added to Small Windows. A tree is made up of a set of nodes, among which, one is the root node. Each node holds a (possibly empty) list of child nodes:


namespace SmallWindows { 
  template <class NodeType> 
  class Tree { 
      Tree(NodeType nodeValue, 
           initializer_list<Tree<NodeType>*> childList = {}); 
      Tree(const Tree& tree); 
      Tree& operator=(const Tree& tree); 
      void Init(const Tree& tree); 

The tree can be written to, and read from, a file stream or the clipboard:

 bool WriteTreeToStream(ostream& outStream) const; bool ReadTreeFromStream(istream& ...

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