
We thank our reviewers, Douglas Gregor, Joel de Guzman, Maxim Khesin, Mat Marcus, Jeremy Siek, Jaap Suter, Tommy Svensson, Daniel Wallin, and Leor Zolman, for keeping us honest. Special thanks go to Luann Abrahams, Brian McNamara, and Eric Niebler, who read and commented on every page, often when the material was still very rough. We also thank Vesa Karvonen and Paul Mensonides for reviewing Appendix A in detail. For their faith that we’d write something of value, we thank our editors, Peter Gordon and Bjarne Stroustrup. David Goodger and Englebert Gruber built the ReStructuredText markup language in which this book was written. Finally, we thank the Boost community for creating the environment that made our collaboration possible. ...

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