Other Bases

Computer workers often use number systems based on 8 and on 16. Because 8 and 16 are powers of 2, these systems are more closely related to a computer's binary system than the decimal system is.


Octal refers to a base 8 system. In this system, the different places in a number represent powers of 8. You use the digits 0 to 7. For example, the octal number 451 (written 0451 in C) represents this:

4 x 82 + 5 x 81 + 1 x 80 = 297 (base 10)

A handy thing to know about octal is that each octal digit corresponds to three binary digits. Table 15.1 shows the correspondence. This correspondence makes it simple to translate between the two systems. For example, the octal number 0377 is 11111111 in binary. We replaced the 3 with 011, ...

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