
Bold face numbers refer to the page on which the term was first defined. Numbers in italic refer to the “Defined Terms” section in which the term is defined.

... (ellipsis parameter), 244

/* */ (block comment), 10, 28

// (single-line comment), 10, 28

_ _DATE_ _, 221

_ _FILE_ _, 221

_ _LINE_ _, 221

_ _TIME_ _, 221

_ _cplusplus, 803

\0 (null character), 40

\Xnnn (hexadecimal escape sequence), 40

\n (newline character), 40

\t (tab character), 40

{} (curly brace), 3, 28

#define, 71

#ifdef, 71

#ifundef, 71

#include, 7

~classname, see destructor

L' c' (wchar_t literal), 40

ctrl-d (Unix end-of-file), 20

ctrl-z (Windows end-of-file), 20

; (semicolon), 3

class definition, 440

++ (increment), 13, 30, 146, 190

and dereference, 163

iterator, 98, ...

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