


Copies the contents of a block of wide characters

#include <wchar.h>
wchar_t *wmemcpy( wchar_t * restrict dest, const wchar_t * restrict src,
                  size_t n );

The wmemcpy() function copies n successive wide characters beginning at the address in src to the location beginning at the address in dest. The return value is the same as the first argument, dest. The two pointer values must be at least n wide characters apart, so that the source and destination blocks do not overlap; otherwise, the function’s behavior is undefined. For overlapping blocks, use wmemmove().


#define BUFFERSIZE 2048 // Size as a number of wchar_t elements. wchar_t inputbuffer[BUFFERSIZE] = { L'\0' }, *writeptr = inputbuffer; struct block { wchar_t *text; struct block *next; struct block *prev; } firstblock = { NULL }, *tmp = NULL; // The first block is the list head. struct block *newblock( struct block *lastblock ); // Creates a linked-list member. wchar_t *storetext( struct block *listhead, wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufsize ); // Copies input buffer to a new linked-list member. int main() { while ( fgetws( writeptr, BUFFERSIZE − (writeptr − inputbuffer), stdin ) != NULL ) { // Set writeptr to end of the input string: writeptr = wmemchr( inputbuffer, L'\0', sizeof(inputbuffer) / sizeof(wchar_t) ); if ( BUFFERSIZE − (writeptr − inputbuffer) < 80 ) // If block full, or nearly so: { // copy buffer to a data block. writeptr = storetext( &firstblock, inputbuffer, BUFFERSIZE ); if ( writeptr == NULL ...

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