


Generates a formatted wide string of time and date information

#include <time.h>
#include <wchar.h>
size_twcsftime( wchar_t * restrict s, size_t n,
                 const wchar_t * restrict format,
                 const struct tm * restrict timeptr );

The wcsftime() function is similar to strftime(), except that its format string argument and the output string it generates are wide character strings. Accordingly, the length n and the function’s return value indicate numbers of wide characters, not byte characters. The locations that wcsftime() reads from and writes to using its restricted pointer parameters must not overlap.


#define MAX_HDR 1024

time_t now;
struct tm *localnow;
wchar_t hdr_date[MAX_HDR] = L"";

time( &now );
localnow = localtime( &now );

if (wcsftime( hdr_date, MAX_HDR, L"Date: %a, %d %b %Y %T %z", localnow ) )
  fputws( hdr_date, stdout );
  return -1;

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