


Performs a locale-specific conversion on a wide character

#include <wctype.h>
wint_ttowctrans( wint_t wc, wctrans_t desc );

The towctrans() function returns a wide character that corresponds to the wide character value of its first argument, wc, according to a locale-specific mapping described by the second argument, desc. Values of desc are obtained by calling the wctrans() function. The behavior of both wctrans() and towctrans() is dependent on the locale setting of the category LC_CTYPE, which must not change between the two function calls.


wint_t before = L'\0', after = L'\0';
wctrans_t mapping;
mapping = wctrans("toupper");

while (( before = getwchar() ) != WEOF )
  after = towctrans( before, mapping );
  putwchar( after );
  if ( after == L'Q' )

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