


This class encodes Unicode characters as UTF-16, two-byte characters. This class supports little-endian and big-endian encodings. With zero arguments, the overloaded constructor for this class uses little-endian byte order by default. The two-argument constructor can use a boolean true as the first argument to specify big-endian byte order. If set to true, the second boolean argument specifies the inclusion of the Unicode byte-order mark in the resulting string. A UnicodeEncoding can also be obtained from two Encoding properties. A little-endian encoding is returned by Encoding.Unicode. A big-endian encoding is returned by Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.

public class UnicodeEncoding : Encoding {
// Public Constructors
   public UnicodeEncoding( );
   public UnicodeEncoding(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark);
// Public Static Fields
   public const int CharSize;            
// =2
                  // Public Instance Methods
   public override bool Equals(object value);        
// overrides Encoding
   public override int GetByteCount(char[ ] chars, int index, int count)
// overrides Encoding
   public override int GetByteCount(string s);       
// overrides Encoding
   public override byte[ ] GetBytes(string s);        
// overrides Encoding
   public override int GetBytes(char[ ] chars, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[ ] bytes, 
        int byteIndex)
// overrides Encoding
   public override int GetBytes(string s, int charIndex, int charCount, byte[ ] bytes, 
        int byteIndex)
// overrides Encoding
   public override int GetCharCount(byte[ ] bytes ...

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