


SerializationInfo objects are used by classes that customize serialization behavior. The data required for each member is the name of the member, its type, and its value. Within a class’s ISerializable.GetObjectData( ) block, the AddValue( ) method is used to add member data. Deserialization is defined within a deserialization constructor (see ISerializable). It is specified by retrieving member data with GetValue( ), or one of the many other Get* methods, and assigning the data to the appropriate members.

public sealed class SerializationInfo {
// Public Constructors
   public SerializationInfo(Type type, IFormatterConverter converter);
// Public Instance Properties
   public string AssemblyName{set; get; }
   public string FullTypeName{set; get; }
   public int MemberCount{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void AddValue(string name, bool value);
   public void AddValue(string name, byte value);
   public void AddValue(string name, char value);
   public void AddValue(string name, DateTime value);
   public void AddValue(string name, decimal value);
   public void AddValue(string name, double value);
   public void AddValue(string name, short value);
   public void AddValue(string name, int value);
   public void AddValue(string name, long value);
   public void AddValue(string name, object value);
   public void AddValue(string name, object value, Type type);
   public void AddValue(string name, sbyte value);
   public void AddValue(string name, float value);
   public void AddValue(string ...

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