


This class represents a dynamically created custom attribute. To apply a custom attribute, pass an instance of this type to the SetCustomAttribute( ) method for the appropriate builder (PropertyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ) or MethodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ),for example). The constructor allows you to specify the custom attribute’s named properties and fields, their values, and a constructor.

public class CustomAttributeBuilder {
// Public Constructors
   public CustomAttributeBuilder(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con, object[ ] constructorArgs);
   public CustomAttributeBuilder(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con, object[ ] constructorArgs,
       System.Reflection.FieldInfo[ ] namedFields, object[ ] fieldValues);
   public CustomAttributeBuilder(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con, object[ ] constructorArgs,
       System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[ ] namedProperties, object[ ] propertyValues);
   public CustomAttributeBuilder(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con, object[ ] constructorArgs,
       System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[ ] namedProperties, object[ ] propertyValues,
       System.Reflection.FieldInfo[ ] namedFields, object[ ] fieldValues);

Passed To

AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), ConstructorBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), EnumBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), EventBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), FieldBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), MethodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), ModuleBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), ParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ), PropertyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute( ...

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