


This enumeration contains settings for the protocol type of a socket. A protocol type must be specified for every Socket instance.

public enum ProtocolType {
   Unspecified = 0,
   IP = 0,
   Icmp = 1,
   Igmp = 2,
   Ggp = 3,
   Tcp = 6,
   Pup = 12,
   Udp = 17,
   Idp = 22,
   IPv6 = 41,
   ND = 77,
   Raw = 255,
   Ipx = 1000,
   Spx = 1256,
   SpxII = 1257,
   Unknown = -1


System.Object System.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) ProtocolType

Returned By


Passed To

Socket.Socket( )

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