


This class writes strings of characters to a stream. Encoding sets the encoding of the produced text; change the object that provides formatting by setting FormatProvider. To change the newline character produced in your text, set the NewLine property. To write to a stream, call either Write( ) or WriteLine( ). To clear the current buffer of characters, use Flush( ). As always, Close( ) allows you to free the resources in use by the TextWriter.

public abstract class TextWriter : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable {
// Protected Constructors
   protected TextWriter( );
   protected TextWriter(IFormatProvider formatProvider);
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly TextWriter Null;            
// =System.IO.TextWriter+NullTextWriter
                  // Protected Instance Fields
   protected char[ ] CoreNewLine;
// Public Instance Properties
   public abstract Encoding Encoding{get; }
   public virtual IFormatProvider FormatProvider{get; }
   public virtual string NewLine{set; get; }
// Public Static Methods
   public static TextWriter Synchronized(TextWriter writer);
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual void Close( );
   public virtual void Flush( );
   public virtual void Write(bool value);
   public virtual void Write(char value);
   public virtual void Write(char[ ] buffer);
   public virtual void Write(char[ ] buffer, int index, int count);
   public virtual void Write(decimal value);
   public virtual void Write(double value);
   public virtual void Write(int value);
   public virtual void Write(long value); public virtual ...

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