


This class complements BinaryReader. To write binary data, simply call Write( ) and pass data of the desired type; the method is overloaded for all “primitive types” (but not the generic System.Object type—that is the subject of the System.Runtime.Serialization namespaces). Be aware, however, that because BinaryWriter is not the actual destination of the data (the wrapped Stream object is) the data may be cached in a buffer somewhere between the BinaryWriter and the sink. To ensure data is completely written, call the Flush( ) method. When working with a BinaryWriter in a sensitive code area, consider placing it in a using block to ensure cleanup (in this case, release of the Stream it wraps after flushing the data).

public class BinaryWriter : IDisposable {
// Public Constructors
   public BinaryWriter(Stream output);
   public BinaryWriter(Stream output,
        System.Text.Encoding encoding);
// Protected Constructors
   protected BinaryWriter( );
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly BinaryWriter Null;          
// =System.IO.BinaryWriter
                  // Protected Instance Fields
   protected Stream OutStream;
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual Stream BaseStream{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual void Close( );
   public virtual void Flush( );
   public virtual long Seek(int offset, SeekOrigin origin);
   public virtual void Write(bool value);
   public virtual void Write(byte value);
   public virtual void Write(byte[ ] buffer);
   public virtual void Write(byte[ ] buffer, int ...

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