
endl function template — Manipulator to write an end-of-line character


template <class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT,traits>& endl(basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os);

The endl function template is a manipulator that writes a newline to os and then calls os.flush( ):

std::cout << "Hello, world." << std::endl;

If you do not need to flush the output stream, do not use endl; write a plain '\n' character instead. If you feel you need to flush the output stream after finishing a line of output, consider using unit buffering for the stream, or if you need to flush the output prior to reading an input stream, you can tie the streams instead of using endl. See the basic_ios class template (in <ios>) for information about tied streams and the ios_base class (also in <ios>) for information about unit buffering.

See Also

basic_ios in <ios> , ios_base::fmtflags in <ios>

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