
The <cwctype> header is the C++ version of the C standard <wctype.h> header, which declares types and functions for classifying and converting wide characters.

Most of the functions in this header are wide equivalents of functions found in <cctype>. For example, iswalnum determines whether a wide character is alphanumeric, just as isalnum determines whether a narrow (byte) character is alphanumeric. The behavior of the wide functions is similar to their narrow equivalents. In particular, for any narrow character c, its wide character equivalent wc, and classification functions isxyz and iswxyx, if isxyz(c) is true, then iswxyz(wc) is true and vice versa. The only exception is that iswgraph and iswpunct behave slightly differently than isgraph and ispunct for whitespace characters other than ' ‘.

The behavior of the <cwctype> functions depend on the C locale, as set with the setlocale function in <clocale>. For more flexibility in dealing with multiple locales, you can use C++ locales, in particular the ctype facet in <locale>.

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