


This class is a node-set constructed from a compiled XPath expression. This type is returned by the Select* methods of XPathNavigator. The MoveNext() method moves to the next node of the node set in document order, and does not sffect the XPathNavigator on which the XPathNavigator.Select() was called.

public abstract class XPathNodeIterator : ICloneable {
// Protected Constructors
   protected method XPathNodeIterator();  
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual field int Count{get; } 
   public abstract field XPathNavigator Current{get; } 
   public abstract field int CurrentPosition{get; } 
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract method XPathNodeIterator Clone();  
   public abstract method bool MoveNext();  

Returned By

XPathNavigator.{Select(), SelectAncestors(), SelectChildren(), SelectDescendants()}

Passed To


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