


This class converts strings of Unicode characters to and from byte arrays. Derived classes implement specific encoding types. The GetBytes() method takes an array of characters and returns the corresponding array of bytes. The GetChars() method does the opposite conversion. GetByteCount() and GetCharCount() allow you to get the exact size of the encoding or decoding to size the output buffer appropriately.

The GetEncoder() and GetDecoder() methods create Encoder and Decoder instances that allow you to do encoding across sequential blocks in which partial byte codes may remain in the buffer.

public abstract class Encoding {
// Protected Constructors
   protected method Encoding();  
   protected method Encoding(int codePage);  
// Public Static Properties
   public static field Encoding ASCII{get; } 
   public static field Encoding BigEndianUnicode{get; } 
   public static field Encoding Default{get; } 
   public static field Encoding Unicode{get; } 
   public static field Encoding UTF7{get; } 
   public static field Encoding UTF8{get; } 
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual field string BodyName{get; } 
   public virtual field int CodePage{get; } 
   public virtual field string EncodingName{get; } 
   public virtual field string HeaderName{get; } 
   public virtual field bool IsBrowserDisplay{get; } 
   public virtual field bool IsBrowserSave{get; } 
   public virtual field bool IsMailNewsDisplay{get; } 
   public virtual field bool IsMailNewsSave{get; } 
   public virtual field string WebName{get; } public virtual ...

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