


This structure describes a single MSIL instruction. It is used by the ILGenerator.Emit() method. Alternatively, use a field from the OpCodes class to supply a specific instruction without needing to create an OpCode object. Instructions are characterized by several pieces of information, represented as properties, such as OpCode, Operand, and flow control.

public struct OpCode {
// Public Instance Properties
   public field FlowControl FlowControl{get; } 
   public field string Name{get; } 
   public field OpCodeType OpCodeType{get; } 
   public field OperandType OperandType{get; } 
   public field int Size{get; } 
   public field StackBehaviour StackBehaviourPop{get; } 
   public field StackBehaviour StackBehaviourPush{get; } 
   public field short Value{get; } 
// Public Instance Methods
   public override method bool Equals(object obj);              // overrides ValueType
   public override method int GetHashCode();                     // overrides ValueType
   public override method string ToString();                     // overrides ValueType



Passed To

ILGenerator.{Emit(), EmitCall(), EmitCalli()}, OpCodes.TakesSingleByteArgument()

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