


This enumeration contains values that specify how the first week of a calendar year is determined. Each calendar requires that the starting day of a week is designated (i.e., Sunday in the Gregorian calendar). The value FirstDay designates that the first calendar week begins on the first day of the year regardless of the number of days left in the week. The FirstFourDayWeek specifies the first week that has at least four days in it. FirstFullWeek uses the first complete week as the first in the calendar.

public enum CalendarWeekRule {
            FirstDay = 0,
            FirstFullWeek = 1,
            FirstFourDayWeek = 2


System.ObjectSystem.ValueTypeSystem.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible)CalendarWeekRule

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Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(), DateTimeFormatInfo.CalendarWeekRule

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