... 41     cout << "\nfind_first_not_of(\"noon is 12 pm; midnight is not.\")"
42        << " returned: " << location << endl;
43  }

Original string:
noon is 12 pm; midnight is not.

(find) "is" was found at: 5
(rfind) "is" was found at: 24

(find_first_of) found 'o' from the group "misop" at: 1

(find_last_of) found 'o' from the group "misop" at: 28

(find_first_not_of) '1' is not contained in "noi spm" and was found at: 8

(find_first_not_of) '.' is not contained in "12noi spm" and was found at: 13

find_first_not_of("noon is 12 pm; midnight is not.") returned: -1

String string1 is declared and initialized in line 8. Line 13 attempts to find "is" in string1 using function find. If "is" is found, the subscript of the starting location of that string is returned. ...

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