Storing data in a hash table

In the preceding section, we have ten phone number to be inserted to a hash table. We will try to store them in a hash table which has seven slot. As we have discussed in preceding section, we need a hash function to get a hash key from the phone number so it can be stored to the hash table. The hash key can be found by find out the remainder if we divide the phone number by the total slot of the hash table, which is seven. Please see the following table which contain the mapping of hash key (slot number) with the data.

Hash Key Data
0 [434, Dylan]
1 [806, Adam] - [722, Brynn] - [953, Frankie]
2 [548, Cameron]
3 [276, Jody]
4 [669, Terry]
5 [117, Lindsey]
6 [391, Dominic] - [895, Vanessa]

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