Conditional statement

One of the things that can make the flow of a program change is a conditional statement. By using this statement, only the line in the true condition will be run. We can use the if and else keywords to apply this statement.

Let's modify our previous in_out.cpp code so that it uses the conditional statement. The program will only decide whether the input number is greater than 100 or not. The code should be as follows:

    // If.cbp    #include <iostream>    using namespace std;    int main ()    {      int i;      cout << "Please enter an integer value: ";      cin >> i;      cout << "The value you entered is ";      if(i > 100)         cout << "greater than 100.";      else         cout << "equals or less than 100.";      cout << endl;      return 0;    }

As we can see, we have a pair of ...

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