
Let's take a look at the Contains method, which checks whether the tree contains a node with a given value. Of course, this method takes into account the BST rule regarding arrangement of nodes to limit the amount of comparisons. The code is as follows:

public bool Contains(T data) 
    BinaryTreeNode<T> node = Root; 
    while (node != null) 
        int result = data.CompareTo(node.Data); 
        if (result == 0) 
            return true; 
        else if (result < 0) 
            node = node.Left; 
            node = node.Right; 
    return false; 

The method takes only one parameter, the value that should be found in the tree. Inside the method, the while loop exists. Within it, the searched value is compared with the value of the current node. If they are equal (the comparison returns ...

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