
Dates and times are surprisingly vast and complex topics. As a reflection of this fact, the C++ standard library does not provide a proper date type. C++ inherits the structs and functions for date and time manipulation from C, along with a couple of date/time input and output functions that take into account localization. You can find relief, however, in the Boost date_time Library by Jeff Garland, which is possibly the most comprehensive and extensible date and time library for C++ available. I will be using it in several of the recipes. There is an expectation among the C++ community that future date/time extensions to the standard library will be based on the Boost date_time library.

The Boost date_time library includes two separate systems for manipulating dates and times: one for manipulating times and one for manipulating dates using a Gregorian calendar. The recipes will cover both systems.

For more information on dates and times, specifically reading and writing them, please see Chapter 13.

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