11.3. Renaming a File


You need to rename a file.


With all of the bells and whistles hanging off of the .NET Framework, you would figure that renaming a file is easy. Unfortunately, there is no specific rename method that can be used to rename a file. Instead, you can use the static Move method of the File class or the instance MoveTo method of the FileInfo class. The static File.Move method can be used to rename a file in the following manner:

public void RenameFile(string originalName, string newName)
    File.Move(originalName, newName);

This code has the effect of renaming the originalName file to the newName file.

The FileInfo.MoveTo instance method can also be used to rename a file in the following manner:

public void RenameFile(FileInfo originalFile, string newName)


The Move and MoveTo methods allow a file to be moved to a different location, but they can also be used to rename files. For example, you could use RenameFile to rename a file from foo.txt to bar.dat:


You could also use fully qualified paths to rename them:


See Also

See the “File Class” and “FileInfo Class” topics in the MSDN documentation.

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