3.8. Indirectly Overloading the &&, ||, and ?: Operators


You need to control the handling of the &&, ||, and ?: operators within your data type; unfortunately, these operators cannot be directly overloaded.


Overload these operators indirectly by overloading the &, |, true, and false operators:

public class ObjState
    public ObjState(int state)
        this.state = state;

    public int state = 0;

    public static ObjState operator &(ObjState obj1, ObjState obj2)
        if (obj1.state >= 0 && obj2.state >= 0)
            return (new ObjState(1));
            return (new ObjState(-1));

    public static ObjState operator |(ObjState obj1, ObjState obj2)
        if (obj1.state < 0 && obj2.state < 0)
            return (new ObjState(-1));
            return (new ObjState(1));

    public static bool operator true(ObjState obj)
        if (obj.state >= 0)
            return (true);
            return (false);

    public static bool operator false(ObjState obj) 
        if (obj.state >= 0)
            return (true);
            return (false);

    public override string ToString( )
        return (state.ToString( ));

This technique gives you complete control over the operations of the &&, ||, and ?: operators.

Alternatively, you can simply add an implicit conversion to bool:

public class ObjState
    public ObjState(int state)
        this.state = state;

    public int state = 0;

    public static implicit operator bool(ObjState obj) 
        if (obj.state == 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException( );

        return (obj.state > 0);

This technique implements strict Boolean logic; the first technique (overriding ...

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