2.17. Creating a Delimited String


You have an array of strings to format as delimited text and possibly to store in a text file.


Using the static Join method of the string class, the array of strings can be easily joined in as little as one line of code. For example:

string[] infoArray = new string[5] {"11", "12", "Checking", "111", "Savings"};
string delimitedInfo = string.Join(",", infoArray);

This code sets the value of delimitedInfo to the following:



The Join method concatenates all the strings contained in a string array. Additionally, a specified delimiting character(s) is inserted between each string in the array. This method returns a single string object with the fully joined and delimited text.

Unlike the Split method of the string class, the Join method accepts only one delimiting character at a time. In order to use multiple delimiting characters within a string of values, subsequent Join operations must be performed on the information until all of the data has been joined together into a single string. For example:

string[] infoArray = new string[4] {"11", "12", "Checking", "Savings"};
string delimitedInfoBegin = string.Join(",", infoArray, 0, 2);
string delimitedInfoEnd = string.Join(",", infoArray, 2, 2);
string[] delimitedInfoTotal = new string[2] {delimitedInfoBegin, 
string delimitedInfoFinal = string.Join(":", delimitedInfoTotal);

produces the following delimited ...

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