Appendix D. C++ Thread Library reference

D.1. The <chrono> header

The <chrono> header provides classes for representing points in time and durations and clock classes, which act as a source of time_points. Each clock has an is_steady static data member, which indicates whether it’s a steady clock that advances at a uniform rate (and can’t be adjusted). The std::chrono::steady_clock class is the only clock guaranteed to be steady.

Header contents

namespace std
   namespace chrono
       template<typename Rep,typename Period = ratio<1>>
       class duration;
            typename Clock,
            typename Duration = typename Clock::duration>
       class time_point;
       class system_clock;
       class steady_clock;
       typedef unspecified-clock-type high_resolution_clock;

D.1.1. std::chrono::duration ...

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