The #using Directive

#using can be considered equivalent to the import statement and is used to refer to the .NET libraries. For example, to use some of the .NET framework classes in your C++ code, you first employ the following:

#using <mscorlib.dll>

This directive should be followed by the declaration for exactly which namespaces you need.

Listing 1.4.1 shows the creation of a simple application containing a GC class.

Listing 1.4.1. managed.cpp: A First Look at Garbage Collected C++
#using <mscorlib.dll> // import the library
using namespace System;

__gc class MCPPDemo
    void SayHello()
        Console::WriteLine("Hello Managed C++");

void main()
    MCPPDemo *pD=new MCPPDemo;

There are a few things in this code ...

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