Book VI

Advanced C++


webextras.eps C++ programming can encompass a huge range of topics. In fact, the number of ways in which you can use C++ is so huge that there really isn’t a way to cover it in one book (or 20 or even 30). With this in mind, this part of the book discusses some advanced C++ topics, one of which is using the Standard Template Library (STL) in advanced ways. One of the advanced programming techniques you can use is the multimap — a version of the map discussed in Book IV Chapter 6 that allows you to use duplicate keys. You can see a multimap described at

Contents at a Glance

Chapter 1: Exploring the Standard Library Further

Chapter 2: Working with User-Defined Literals (UDLs)

Chapter 3: Building Original Templates

Chapter 4: Investigating Boost

Chapter 5: Boosting up a Step

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