
1.What would happen if we compiled the program in Figure 7.19? Why?
Figure 7.19. Exercise 1 (code\strex1.cpp)
class string
  string(const string& Str);
  string(char* p);
  string& operator = (const string& Str);
  short m_Length;
  char* m_Data;

int main()
  string s;
  string n("Test");
  string x;
  short Length;
  Length = n.m_Length;

  s = n;
  n = "My name is Susan";

  x = n;
  return 0;
2.What would happen if we compiled the program in Figure 7.20? Why?
Figure 7.20. Exercise 2 (code\strex2.cpp)
 class string { public: string(const string& Str); string(char* p); string& operator=(const string& Str); ~string(); private: string(); short m_Length; char* m_Data; }; int main() { string s("Test"); string n; n = ...

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