Chapter 2

Accessing Data


check Understanding the System.Data namespace

check Connecting to a data source

check Exploring the Entity Framework

check Working with data from databases

Not to predispose you to the contents of this chapter, but you’ll probably find that data access is the most important part of your use of the .NET Framework. You’ll likely use the various features of the System.Data namespace more than any other namespace.

Unquestionably, one of the most common uses of Visual Studio is the creation of business applications. Business applications are about data. This is the black and white of development with Visual Studio. Understanding a little of everything is important, but complete understanding of the System.Data namespace is essential when you’re building business applications.

Until the .NET Framework became popular in the 2003 time frame, most business applications built using Microsoft products used FoxPro or Visual Basic. C# has unquestionably replaced those languages as the business programmer’s language of choice over the past several years. You can look at the data ...

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