Chapter 15 - Building Mobile Apps Using Xamarin.Forms and ASP.NET Core Web API

  1. How does ASP.NET distinguish a request for MVC from a request for Web API?
    • Multiple entries are added to the route table. By convention, Web API controllers should use attributes to register routes that look for URLs that begin with api/. If a URL doesn't begin with api/ then it should match other routes registered by MVC.
  2. What data formats does Web API support by default?
    •  x-www-formurlencoded, JSON, and XML.
  3. What is the difference between Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms?
    • Xamarin allows developers to build native iOS, Android, and Windows apps using existing skills, teams, and code written in C# and .NET. But the user interfaces must be developed specifically for each platform. ...

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