Simplifying methods with operators

We might want two instances of a person to be able to procreate. We could do this with the following method:

// method to "multiply"
public Person Procreate(Person partner)
    var baby = new Person("Baby");
    return baby;

Now, we can get two people to make a baby:

var harry = new Person { Name = "Harry" };
var mary = new Person { Name = "Mary" };
var baby1 = harry.Procreate(mary);
WriteLine($"{mary.Name} has {mary.Children.Count} children.");
WriteLine($"{harry.Name} has {harry.Children.Count} children.");

Run the application and view the output:

Mary has 1 children.
Harry has 1 children.

An alternative would be to define an operator to allow two people to "multiply". ...

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