Appendix F Method Declarations

This appendix provides information about method declarations. A property procedure includes a pair of methods, which are also described here.


In C# all methods must be inside a class. The syntax for creating a method is as follows.

«attributes» «accessibility» «modifiers» return_type nameparameters»)

The following list describes the pieces of this declaration.

  • attributes—Attributes that specify extra properties for the method.
  • accessibility—One of public, internal, protected, internal protected, or private.
  • modifiers—One of new (hides a parent class’s version of the method), static (shared by all instances of the class), virtual (the method can be overridden in a descendant class), override (the method is overriding a version in an ancestor class), sealed (indicates an overriding method cannot be further overridden), abstract (defines only the method’s signature), or extern (the method is defined outside of the assembly).
  • return_type—The type of the data that the method returns. If the method doesn’t return a value, this should be void.
  • name—The name you want the method to have.
  • parameters—The method’s parameters.
  • code—The code that the method should execute.

Use a return statement to exit the method and return a value (if the method returns a value).

Property Procedures

Properties have get and set accessors. The syntax for creating a read/write property is as follows.

public data_type name
        return value; } set ...

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