

+ (addition) operator, 234

* (asterisk), 213

/ (division) operator, 234

= (equality) operator, 233

^ (exponential) operator, 234

> (greater than) operator, 233

>= (greater than or equal) operator, 233

\ (integer division) operator, 234

< (less than) operator, 233

<= (less than or equal) operator, 233

* (multiplication) operator, 234

<> (not equal) operator, 233

- (unary) operator, 234


Abs function, 251

Access Data Collection. See ADC

Access reports. See reports

action queries

append queries, 309

delete queries, 306–307

make-table queries, 307–308

overview, 304

update queries, 304–306

ActiveX controls

calendars, 71

overview, 67–68

scrollbars, 69–71

spin buttons, 68–69

ADC (Access Data Collection)

managing replies, 75

replying to ...

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