
Ticket Sales Inc.: A Fictitious Business Case*

Chapters 7 and 8 use the fictitious case in this appendix to provide examples of best practices.* This fictitious case is set up as a request for proposal since that adds a dimension of reality. In addition, a fictitious case is used because that makes it possible to create diagrams and tables that explicate the best practices described in these chapters.

This case requires both a strategic and business analysis. The linkages between the business needs of Ticket Sales Inc. (TSI) and the ICT required to support competitive positioning must be understood. TSI is a start-up business that has received venture capital seed funding. It is using the seed funding to perform a number of feasibility studies that will enable it to seek first-round venture capital, assuming that when the seed funding analysis is complete, the proposed venture will be found to be viable. In this request for proposal, TSI is undertaking a technology feasibility study that must include five-year total cost of ownership estimates.

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