
ANNs. See Artificial neural networks (ANNs)

Apriori algorithm, 115, 116

Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 14, 53, 91–98

advantages and disadvantages of, 97–98

architecting, 95

business applications of, 92–93

design principles of, 93–95

developing, 96–97

representation of, 95

Association rule mining, 14–15, 54, 96, 113–120

algorithms for, 115–116

apriori algorithm, 116

business applications of, 114–115

creation of, 119–120

exercise, 116–118

representation of, 115

Banking, business intelligence applications in, 31

BI. See Business intelligence (BI)

Big data, 143–152

business implications of, 147–148

definition of, 144–146

landscape, 147

management of, 151–152

technologies, 149–150

technology implications of, 148–149

BLOBs (Binary Large Objects), ...

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