Public Infrastructure: Liaising with People in Your Community

Maintain a list of contacts for reporting an emergency to, such as your utility providers, local authorities and other businesses within your area, and keep it safely off-site so you can access it quickly. Other useful numbers are those commonly referred to as ‘In Case of Emergencies’ (ICE) contacts such as 101, 999, Crimestoppers (0800 555111) and the Counter-terrorism Hotline (0800 78932).

You can add all these numbers to your staff contact list (which we discuss in the earlier section ‘People: Keeping staff members safe and accounted for’). Also, ensure that staff enter numbers they’re likely to need in an emergency into mobile phones as easily identifiable contacts.

Here are some more preparations that you can make in this area:

check.png Book yourself and your staff onto a Project Argus (Area Reinforcement Gained Using Scenarios) course with your local police or local council. These courses aim to simulate terrorist attacks in order to teach businesses how to deal with different situations and reactions. They can provide you with solutions for dealing with and recovering from an act of terrorism, if such an incident strikes your business.

check.png Enrol your security or reception staff members onto a Project Griffin course. Again run ...

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