The beginning of this chapter contains a decision tree and instructions about how to use it, as you have seen in previous chapters. This chapter also has a full section on the differences between lead and lag information, since at times the differences between the two concepts can be difficult to grasp. This section could also have been included in Chapter 1, but it serves as a good introduction here. The chapter also discusses the different ways that lag information can create value for you and includes a special section discussing how lag information can create a link between the strategic objectives of your organization and your individual process performance. The rest of the chapter is dedicated to presenting forecasting, the documentation of campaign effects, and the concept of a sales funnel.

This chapter does not have a section on how to do performance tracking of individual processes based on questionnaire data. This would be relevant in only very few situations; for the same reason, the chapter does not include a section on how to get lag information through the use of subject matter experts.

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