You have been directed to this section if you indicated that you have customer level information across several transactions as you can imagine a bank has. A bank therefore knows who holds the shopping basket and can therefore analyze on a customer level. The opposite could be a traditional supermarket which does not know who holds that basket, only what is purchased together in a basket from the receipts saved through the cash registers. You have also indicated that either you want to launch a new campaign or that you have no campaigning history to build this campaign on.

The techniques used in this section are very similar to the ones used in the last section, “Profiling Target Groups.” You should read that section first and then continue reading this one; which will only outline the minor differences between these two approaches. The concept of a customer-centric analytical base table was presented in the last section. This is a correct first step for any customer analytics function.

Here the difference is that you have no historical data on who was targeted via a campaign and who responded positively to it. You do, however, have information about which customers have purchased which offers. Based on this information, you can use an algorithm to help in identifying the characteristics of the customers who use a specific service or product. The only difference between what is presented here and what was presented in the last section ...

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