Universal Wireless

The community wireless networking bug isn’t constrained to the U.S. Networking projects in dozens of countries are now online, with more joining in every day. Here are just a few of the international efforts underway:

BC Wireless

Founder: Matthew Asham
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Project started: December 2000
URL: http://bcwireless.net/

BC Wireless focuses on showing consumers how to use license-exempt technology to connect themselves with other people. This ranges from answering simple questions about 802.11b to talking about wide-scale infrastructural networking. Much like BAWUG, the BC Wireless project itself isn’t really a networking project. BC Wireless is more of a resource used by its members as a reference tool. Many members of BC Wireless work on projects independently of each other.

BC Wireless’s particular focus is to bridge the digital divide that separates network hackers from the average person. They want to help people learn to effectively use technology for themselves and to embrace it, rather than to be afraid of it. They are working with the local public school system to help children learn networking skills, particularly in impoverished communities where money and education are scarce.

They are also actively working on documentation and software for average users, to help assist people in setting up their own web sites and home networks.


Founders: Simon Anderson, Ben Laurie, Adam Laurie, Julian Priest, and James Stevens
Location: ...

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