

$ (dollar sign) in substring attribute selectors, 552

& (ampersand) in C++ references, 423

-> (arrow) operator, 423

* (asterisk)

in C++ pointers, 423

in substring attribute selectors, 552

universal selector, 544

^ (caret)

in substring attribute selectors, 552

type modifier in C++/CX, 422

> (child selector), 546

: (colon) in pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors, 549

. (dot)

class selector, 545

dot operator, 413

= (equals sign)

=== and !== operators, using for object identify, 424

== (equal to) operator in JavaScript, 509

=== (identity) operator in JavaScript, 509

! (exclamation mark) as warning icon, 149

@font-face rule, 125, 148

referencing in font-family property, 126

# (hash symbol), id selector, 545

[ ] (square brackets), ...

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