

In software development a bootstrap is a simple computer program whose purpose is to launch a more complicated program. When applied to Backbone.js, a bootstrap is a small class that takes a minimum amount of parameters and is capable of initializing the entire application.

denial of service (DOS)

A denial of service attack is an attempt to render a web server inoperable for its intended users, often by saturating its designed capacity with unnecessary requests.


An action that happens outside of an application’s regular flow, and handled by dedicated code inside the application. Events can be triggered by user input (keyboard events, mouse events) or from computer input (disk events, operating system events, application events).

Internet Information Services (IIS)

A web server created by Microsoft used to serve, among many types of content, websites and applications.


Makes input and output easier by interfacing between high level applications and low level system. Connect is an example of middleware that abstracts HTTP server functionality and eases the work of dealing with sessions, cookies, and data transport.


Contains a set of variables and functions grouped by similar functionality. In Node.js, each source file contains a set of code that is not directly available to code from other source files unless they are explicitly exported.


A set of information delivered to an end user. This could refer to raw bits, a JSON response, or HTML ...

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