Unit tests

In ProductService, let's make sure that our service returns product data without failure:

    namespace FlixOne.BookStore.ProductService.Tests.Services    {        public class ProductTests        {            private IEnumerable<ProductViewModel> GetProducts()            {                var productVm = new List<ProductViewModel>                {                    new ProductViewModel                    {                        CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid(),                        CategoryDescription = "Category Description",                        CategoryName = "Category Name",                        ProductDescription = "Product Description",                        ProductId = Guid.NewGuid(),                        ProductImage = "Image full path",                        ProductName = "Product Name",                        ProductPrice = 112M                    },                    new ProductViewModel                    {                        CategoryId = Guid.NewGuid(),                        CategoryDescription = "Category Description-01",                        CategoryName = "Category Name-01", ProductDescription = "Product Description-01", ...

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