Chapter 12. Optimizing Your Site

<feature><title>In This Chapter</title> <objective>

Removing unused Library items


Debugging your ActionScript


Optimizing all images


Optimizing all sounds


After you get all of your ducks in a row, you may think all you have to do is publish your Flash Web site and upload it to a Web hosting service for the entire world to see. But before you can publish each document for your Flash Web site, you have to optimize the documents. You also have to ascertain that all of your ActionScript executes flawlessly. If you don’t, you (or your client) will wind up with a lot of egg on your face. And if your blunder embarrasses your client, your reputation will go downhill faster than a Sumo wrestler on a bobsled. And that’s pretty fast. In this chapter, I show you some things you can do to optimize your site and at the same time debug it. If you’ve constructed your site as recommended in this book, you’ll have to perform this on the interface and on each document that will be published as a movie and loaded into the interface.

Optimizing Your Site

When you publish a movie for your Flash Web site, Flash combines all of its elements into a single SWF movie. When your Web site viewers access the HTML document into which the Web site SWF movie is embedded, the SWF movie streams frame-by-frame into the user’s browser and begins to play as soon as enough data has downloaded to play ...

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