Asserting the correct response payload content

Now, on to our last test. We need our error object payload to contain a message property that reads "Payload should not be empty". So first, let's implement our test:

Then('contains a message property which says "Payload should not be empty"', function () {  if (payload.message !== 'Payload should not be empty') {    throw new Error();  }});

Next, run the tests again and they should fail. Then, to make it pass, we need to pass a different object into the res.end method. Your if block should now look like this:

if (req.method === 'POST' && req.url === '/users') {  res.writeHead(400, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });  res.end(JSON.stringify({    message: 'Payload should not be empty',  })); return; ...

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