Linting our code

Now, let's run eslint on our src/index.js to discover problems with our code:

$ npx eslint src/index.js/home/dli/.d4nyll/.beja/final/code/6/src/index.js  1:8 error Strings must use singlequote quotes  2:1 error Expected 1 empty line after import statement not followed by another import import/newline-after-import  3:24 warning Unexpected unnamed function func-names  4:22 error A space is required after '{' object-curly-spacing  4:51 error A space is required before '}' object-curly-spacing  6:2 error Missing semicolon semi  8:21 error Newline required at end of file but not found eol-last 8 problems (7 errors, 1 warning) 6 errors ...

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