Specifying the Create User endpoint

Using what you've just learned, specify a new path, operation, and operation object for the Create User endpoint, filling in the tags, summary, description, and responses properties. You should end up with something like this:

paths:  /users:    post:      tags:        - Users      summary: Creates a New User      responses:        '201':          description: Created          content:            text/plain:              schema:                type: string        '400':          description: Bad Request          content:            application/json:              schema:                properties:                  message:                    description: Error message                    type: string        '415':          description: Unsupported Media Type          content:            application/json:              schema:                properties:                  message:                    description: Error message                    type: string        '500':          description: Internal Server Error          content:            application/json: schema: ...

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