Typing into input

This is our next step:

When user types in "valid@ema.il" in the "#email" element

This involves finding the element with the id of email, and then sending keystroke events to it. In spec/cucumber/steps/interactions/input.js, add the following step definition:

import { Given, When, Then } from 'cucumber';import { By } from 'selenium-webdriver';When(/^user types in (?:"|')(.+)(?:"|') in the (?:"|')([\.#\w]+)(?:"|') element$/, async function (text, selector) {  this.element = await this.driver.findElement(By.css(selector));  return this.element.sendKeys(text);});

Here, driver.findElement returns an instance of WebElementPromise. We are using the async/await syntax to avoid callback hell or heavily chained promises. The same step ...

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